Monday, December 8, 2008

My Grade

I think my grade should be an A. I think so because I completed every blog that was assigned with correct grammar (don't count me on that lol) and hard work. Also, I even have an extra blog or two!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Earth Sciences

My favorite thing about Geology that i have learned is probably the history of Earth because there is just so much to lean and it is just amazing to me that Earth is just constantly changing in so many ways, its just unbelievable!

Oceanography was also interesting. My favorite thing when I was learning about it was all the different life in the ocean, because the oceans are just so big and there is just so much life and to learn from all those things down there it's just amazing.

When I was studying Meteorology, I thought learning about the structure of our atmosphere was pretty cool. I was actually amazed because i didn't even know our Earth had layers of the atmosphere. I thought it was like just on big bubble of air lol.

Astronomy i would have to say would be my favorite topics. I thought our whole solar system was just so amazing to learn about because there is just a whole lot of things we don't know about and there are so many questions i still have. But bot only our solar system was my favorite but i think that the whole Astronomy unit was my favorite!!!! I enjoyed everything i learned from it.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

H-R Diagram

This diagram show the main star sequence. From the left(blue) is the hottest and to the right (red) is the coolest. Off from the sequence there are the Red Giants. Those are just very large, bright, cool stars. There is also the white dwarfs. Those stars are small and normally the towards end of the star's evolution.
1. On an H-R Diagram, what is the main sequence?
The main sequence on an H-R Diagram is the hottest to coldest from left t right.

2. What percentage of stars are main sequence stars?

3. Is the Sun a main sequence star?

4. What will happen to the Sun next? When will this happen?
Evidence shows that the Sun will grow dramatically and engulf the Earth before it dies out.