Monday, December 8, 2008

My Grade

I think my grade should be an A. I think so because I completed every blog that was assigned with correct grammar (don't count me on that lol) and hard work. Also, I even have an extra blog or two!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Earth Sciences

My favorite thing about Geology that i have learned is probably the history of Earth because there is just so much to lean and it is just amazing to me that Earth is just constantly changing in so many ways, its just unbelievable!

Oceanography was also interesting. My favorite thing when I was learning about it was all the different life in the ocean, because the oceans are just so big and there is just so much life and to learn from all those things down there it's just amazing.

When I was studying Meteorology, I thought learning about the structure of our atmosphere was pretty cool. I was actually amazed because i didn't even know our Earth had layers of the atmosphere. I thought it was like just on big bubble of air lol.

Astronomy i would have to say would be my favorite topics. I thought our whole solar system was just so amazing to learn about because there is just a whole lot of things we don't know about and there are so many questions i still have. But bot only our solar system was my favorite but i think that the whole Astronomy unit was my favorite!!!! I enjoyed everything i learned from it.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

H-R Diagram

This diagram show the main star sequence. From the left(blue) is the hottest and to the right (red) is the coolest. Off from the sequence there are the Red Giants. Those are just very large, bright, cool stars. There is also the white dwarfs. Those stars are small and normally the towards end of the star's evolution.
1. On an H-R Diagram, what is the main sequence?
The main sequence on an H-R Diagram is the hottest to coldest from left t right.

2. What percentage of stars are main sequence stars?

3. Is the Sun a main sequence star?

4. What will happen to the Sun next? When will this happen?
Evidence shows that the Sun will grow dramatically and engulf the Earth before it dies out.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


1. Name 10 stars.
Sirius, Canopus, Alpha Centauri, Arcturus, Vega, Capella, Rygel, Procyon, Achernar, and Betelgeuse.

2. Choose one star. Which one did you choose?

3. What kind of star is it?
Achernar is a Class B star, and will eventually evolve into a White Dwarf Cloud.

4. Are there any planets that orbit this star? Tell me about them.
This star has no planets.

5. What galaxy is this star a part of?
The Milky Way

6. How far is the star from Earth?
We are in the milky way, so Achernar is not that far away!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

CYO Webquest

Here is my Chapter 22 Webquest!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Astronomy Topics

Black Holes
Black holes are theoretically predicted pockets in space where neither light nor matter can escape. They are the end of stars and at least 10 to 15 times the size of the sun! But black holes are highly exaggerated by the public. They are not super vacuums, so if our sun was to be "swallowed" by one our orbit would not change. Only out temperature.

Saturn's Rings
Saturn's rings were discovered by Galileo in 1610, but they would always puzzle scientists. They figured that the rings were mainly made out of ice water and range from microns to meters in size. The rings are there because of Saturn's gravitational pull. As also the moons, but much of it remains unexplained.

The Ultimate Fate of the Universe
We can't predict the future. But we can give a hypothesis on what might happen, and that's just what scientists are doing. They say that years from now the universe is just getting farther and further away from everything else and just finally one day, crush together in a pin size ball, just like how it started. The big bang.

Pluto gets its name from the Greek god of the underworld, Hades because, how far it is away from everything. It was discovered in 1930 just by a fortunate accident. Then again in 2005, Pluto was discovered to have two smaller moons orbiting it. But now sadly Pluto is no longer considered a planet. :[

Worm Holes
Wormholes are not yet proved yet but not disproved either. They are said to be teleporters in space over time! This theory goes back to 1916, shortly after Einstein published is theory in books. Although wormholes are probably unstable and would collapse if any of the tiniest matter would enter it so.....if they are discovered I wouldn't try this at home.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wind Factors

1. What 3 factors effect wind?

The 3 factors that effect wind are pressure, the Coriolis Effect, and friction.

2. Whcih of the 3 do you think has the greatest effect? Why?

I thin pressure has the greatest effect.

3. What would happen if this factor (from #2) all of a sudden stopped? Remember to include details about what might happen in your response.

If this was not here anymore than there would be no wind force.

Friday, November 7, 2008


1. List three low clouds, three middle clouds, three high clouds, and one cloud with vertical development.
Three low clouds are fog, Nimbostratus, and Cumulus. Middle clouds are Altocumulus, Altostratus, and Lenticular. Three high clouds are Cirrocumulus, Cirrostratus, and Cirrus. And one clouds with a vertical development is Cumulonimbus.

2. Which clouds look the best to you?
I think Cumulonimbus looks the best to me, because i like the weather they bring.

3. What kind of weather does that type of cloud bring?
The type of cloud I like best brings lightning storms. I enjoy storms because I think they are so interesting

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Air Masses

1. What are the four most common air masses that affect the United States' weather?

The 4 common air masses the effect the United states are maritime polar, Continental polar, maritime tropical, and continental tropical.

2. Which one brings your favorite kind of weather?

Maritime polar brings my favor tie weather because I like the cold and I like the rain!

3. List 5 things that you like to do in that kind of weather.

During this kind of weather i like the turn all the lights off, light a fire, have something warm to eat, and watch a movie.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Greenhouse Effect

What is the greenhouse effect?
The Greenhouse effect is the heating of Earth due to the presence of Greenhouse gases.

What are the 3 most common greenhouse gases?
The three most common Greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide.

How are the greenhouse gases produced?
Greenhouse gases are produced by everyday human life. Like for instance, carbon dioxide is produced by car gases and just by us breathing air in and out! Nitrous oxide, is released by our own oceans and some bacteria in the soil, and methane is released by decaying plants and thin air.

How does the greenhouse effect impact our lives?
Because of the Greenhouse effect there has been drastic changes in our enviorment. Sea levels are rising, the temperature change, there are more insects, and more disastrous floods occurring.

Is the greenhouse effect good or bad? Why?
This is a bad thing! Like i was saying in the answer above, there are more drastic changes in our enviorment which can easily change the schedule of regular human life. If this continues, our crops won't grow right, more people will loose their homes, and even other things. People could loose their lives.

What do you think about the Greenhouse effect?

Friday, October 10, 2008

Offshore Drilling

What is offshore drilling?
Offshore drilling is the drilling for natural gas in the ocean.

Why is it good?
Offshore drilling has its pros and cons, but it can be very useful. It can offer us access to a much larger supply of natural gas than just regular drilling on land.

Why is it bad?
At the same time it isn't the best thing. Although it can be very resourceful it could also be very expensive, plus it is wasting wasting our natural rescources.

How do you feel about it?

Although, offshore drilling is very resourceful I believe we could save our resources and find other less expensive way to power our nation.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


1. Most people agree that recycling is a good thing. Why should we recycle glass? Plastic? Paper? Metals?

When you recycle paper, you are using 30%-55% less energy on making more paper. And plus, the air pollution decreases by 95%! Plastic can be made into a lot of different things! Did you know that 35% of recycled paper is in out carpets? Recycling metals can save you 95% energy! Also, when you recycle one aluminum

2. What is better: recycling or reusing things? Why? Give an example.
Reusing things I believe is better because you wouldn't have to go through a time consuming cycle and it is cheaper! All you would have to do is reuse instead of buy, keep, throw away, use again. Just like water bottles. Its better if you just reuse instead of throwing it way and keep spending money on new recyclable bottles.

3. How can Fayetteville residents recycle?

Fayetteville can easily recycle by just gathering all of you recyclable products and putting them inside you blue Recycling bin!

4. Where is the closest recycling drop-off center to your home (or our school)?
The closet recycling center drop off from my home is at 7581 Lowell Harris RD.

5. What can you realistically do to promote recycling?

I could ask to hold a recycling contest at my school and to see who recycles the most gets a small prize!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

What Grade Do I Deserve?

I believe I deserve at least a low "A" on my blog. I have everything that is needed and all my spelling is up to date! I do "Spell Check" every time so I think I should be perfectly fine. I am not so sure about my grammar usage though. Grammar isn't one of my best things so I think I'll need some correction on that, but other than that I have high hopes on this assignment!

Friday, September 19, 2008


In Hawaii the local volcano Kilauea is now on a code level of Orange. So far nothing has changed in its activity level. It is still spewing out remnants of smoke and ash. Its glow last night was faint but as of now its plume has increases and is now ascending vertically southwest high over the Ka`u Desert. But that's not the only thing, sulfur dioxide levels that are emitting from both the Halema`uma`u and Pu`u `O`o vents, but the amounts are varying.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Recent Disasters

1. Which two articles did you read?
Earthquakes Hits Japan and Indonesia & Strong Earthquake and Southern Iran Kills 4

2. What is the first article about?
The first article was about how there was an earthquake in Japan and Indonesia and people evacuated, but the strange this is that there was no tsumani.

3. What is the second article about?
The second article was about how there was an earthquake in Iran that killed 4 people. Iran's Red Cresant is helping people out who have been effected by the quake.

4. Which disaster was more disasterous?
The second article i would say was more disasterous because people have died in this disaster. It was a major hit.

5. Compare and contrast the two disasters.
The earthquake in Indonesia and Japan was a scare becasue they thought there was going to be a tsunami, which there was not, but the earthquake in Iran killed 4 people and was more intense.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


1. Where do most of the earthquakes tend to happen?

Most of the earthquakes tend to happen by the coastlines of the continents or in the oceans.

2. Why do you think that is?

I believe this is because of where the faults in Earth's surface are located.

3. What is this area called? (you will have to do some research)

These areas are called faults. Faults are cracks in the Earth's surface.

4. Where is the earthquake closest to North Carolina?
The earthquake closest to North Carolina is located in Southeastern Missouri
5. Choose one earthquake that has happened in the last seven days. You will be researching that earthquake. Tell me all about it. Include at least one picture.
On Saturday September, 6 the Bonin Islands bordering Japan felt the magnitude of a 5.0 earthquake shake their homes.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Hurrican Ike

Hurricane Ike has now downgraded to a category 3 hurricane. Its winds are now down to only 125mph. Forecasters say that is too early to tell weather it is going to track north to the US coastline.

Mass Movement

On January 11, 2005 a small town located in California gets buried beneath a mudslide located about 25 miles south from Los Angeles. 3 people were reportedly killed and more than a dozen were missing. 15 homes were buried under about 30 feet of mud, caused by the immense amount of rain a few weeks prior.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

What Is Your Favorite Map Projection??

My favorite map projection, i would have to say would be a contour map. I like this map because i think it is really interesting to look at and see how far you are from sea level and it just looks pretty cool too! Plus it can be very useful when/if you go mountain hiking or any sort of exploration adventure.

The 6 Crystal Forms

The 6 crystal forms are pretty self explanatory. There are just 6 different shapes of crystals which include the Cubic, Tetragonal, Hexagonal, Orthorhombic, Monoclinic, and Triclinic. Each crystal has its own unique shape which helps us identify which is which.

Friday, August 22, 2008

What is the best Renewable Rescource? Why?

I believe the best renewable resource is wind. Wind is everywhere, and very cost efficient. All you would need to do is put some windmills and it could power a whole town! I think everyone should be powered on wind! And better yet, its nonpollutional.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Which one seems more interesting?

I believe Astronomy is one of the more interesting studies, because of the fact that our universe is so large and is the least explored. We rarely know anything about it! There always seems to be something new to learn everyday from just studying our solar system from here on Earth. Apart from just wanting to explore it, we could also learn useful things about it such as, there could be more life out there other than us, and by learning that we could create a whole other world out there!